Does Spacegoods Rainbow Dust Vegan? Revealing The Truth 

According to Dr. Jane, “While the original chocolate flavor of Spacegoods Rainbow Dust is suitable for vegans, the new vanilla cinnamon variety isn’t.”

Rainbow Dust is a powder made by Spacegoods with mushrooms like lions mane to boost energy and focus. 

I tried it and wow, tasks were easy. Being vegan though, I checked ingredients. The site said chocolate version was plant-based but not the new vanilla. 

If you’re vegan too, check ingredients closely on flavors, or you may waste money. Let this be a lesson to always do your homework.

Key Takeaway

  • The original chocolate flavor of Spacegoods Rainbow Dust is vegan-friendly, containing no animal products or byproducts in its ingredients list.
  • Spacegoods markets the original flavor as suitable for vegans and having vegan certification. Reviews from vegan users report having no issues with it.
  • However, the newer vanilla cinnamon flavor contains skimmed milk powder, making it non-vegan. Always check the ingredients of the specific flavor variety before purchasing if following a vegan diet. The chocolate version remains the best option for vegans.

Is Spacegoods Rainbow Dust Vegan-Friendly?

does spacegoods rainbow dust vegan

The ingredients and formulations of Spacegoods Rainbow Dust

Vegan Status
Lions mane mushroom
Boosts nerve growth factors, supports brain health
Cordyceps mushroom
Supports lung health, increases oxygen uptake
Chaga mushroom
Antioxidant, supports immune system
Reduces stress and anxiety, boosts memory
Maca root
Balances hormones, boosts energy levels
Rhodiola rosea
Combats stress and fatigue, supports mood
Coffee extract
Provides mild energy boost without coffee crash
Vitamin B5
Supports energy metabolism

Spacegoods Rainbow Dust contains a unique daily blend of eight powerful adaptogens and mushrooms to support your health in both the short and long term (1). 

The carefully crafted formulations provide benefits without risks. One key ingredient is maca root, which helps balance hormones while boosting energy levels.

Flavour options – which are vegan?

Vegan Status
Original Chocolate
No dairy ingredients
Vanilla Cinnamon
Not Vegan
Contains skimmed milk powder
does spacegoods rainbow dust vegan

While the original chocolate flavor can be enjoyed either hot or cold, the website didn’t make it clear the new Vanilla Cinnamon variety contains non-vegan milk. 

If following a vegan diet, it’s best to contact Spacegoods directly about specific ingredient lists rather than risk accidental non-vegan consumption. 

A clearer labeling of flavors would help avoid issues and allow customers to make informed choices, whether quitting coffee or choosing a daily blend.

Comprehensive Ingredient Analysis

Primary ingredients

Lions mane mushroom
Boosts nerve growth factors, supports brain health
Supports long term brain health
Cordyceps mushroom
Supports lung health, increases oxygen uptake
Can be consumed hot or cold
Chaga mushroom
Antioxidant, supports immune system
Grown sustainably in Northern climates
Reduces stress and anxiety, boosts memory
Helps manage daily stressors
Maca root
Balances hormones, boosts energy levels
Provides both mental and physical energy
Rhodiola rosea
Combats stress and fatigue, supports mood
Supplements used for centuries
Coffee extract
Provides mild energy boost without coffee crash
Gentler option to quit coffee
Vitamin B5
Supports energy metabolism
Important cofactor for energy production

After trying various mushroom blends, I found Spacegoods Rainbow Dust provides the most well-rounded daily blend. 

Each adaptogenic ingredient supports my well-being in both short term and long term ways. Maca root stood out particularly for balancing fluctuating energy levels.

Secondary ingredients

Spacegoods aims to keep their formulations simple and natural (2). Their website clearly lists all minor ingredients which are plant-based flavors and colors. This transparency is important for those wanting verified vegan and allergen-free options.

Potential non-vegan ingredients to watch out for

As with any supplement, be aware of specific allergen risks like dairy, gluten or nuts. Contact Spacegoods support if concerned about anything in their starter kit or trial pack not fitting dietary needs. Clarity on formulations helps avoid potential risks and issues.

Reviews and User Reports

Positive reviews praising ingredients and effects

Review Snapshot
“Easy daily boost to mood and energy”
5 Stars
Effective, easy to use
“Subtle effects but makes a difference”
4 Stars
Noticable yet gentle formula
“New staple in smoothies and coffees”
5 Stars
Versatile, great taste

After trying various supplements, I’ve found Rainbow Dust to have the most potent yet super simple daily blend. Even small scoops provide gentle yet effective results without harsh side effects. It integrates smoothly into any routine.

Mentions of vegan and cruelty-free certification

Customers appreciate Space goods commitment to producing a cruelty-free, vegan, and sustainably sourced daily dust. 

This ease of use, quality ingredients, and ethical practices have earned them a loyal following of over 125,000 former coffee drinkers upgraded to their premium dust.

Reports of original chocolate flavour being vegan

Product Description
Editor’s Rating
Chocolate Flavor Dust
4.5/5 Stars
Vegan, Great taste

Reviews consistently confirm the original chocolate flavor contains no dairy or other animal products. 

It remains the best dust option for those wanting a plant-based protein shake or addition to morning coffees and smoothies.

The new vanilla cinnamon flavour contains dairy

Editor’s Rating
Best For
Customer Insights
Vanilla Cinnamon
3/5 Stars
Taste, New flavor
Contains dairy
Those okay with milk
Should disclose dairy upfront

While this new flavor sounded delightful, I was disappointed to learn through online reviews it contains skim milk powder making it unsuitable for vegans like me seeking a plant-based protein option. 

Spacegoods needs clearer labeling to avoid this confusion and meet the needs of customers prioritizing a cruelty-free lifestyle. 

With free shipping, a quick message to their support could have saved me potential issues down the line and built trust in their brand.

Credit : ThisisMahrukh


Is Rainbow Dust guaranteed risk free?

Yes, Spacegoods offers a trial pack so customers can test their dust premium without commitment. This allows people to experience the potent blend for themselves in the format they love before making a quick decision.

What is vitamin b5 and how does it support wellness?

Vitamin B5 plays a key role in energy production and metabolism in the body (3). As an active ingredient in Rainbow Dust, it helps fuel sustained energy alongside adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms.

How can I try Spacegoods dust without a large time purchase?

Spacegoods provides offer samples and starter kits – great for those wanting to improve focus or reduce stress in their daily routine. Customers can choose the option that suits their lifestyle best.

What are the typical effects people prefer from Rainbow Dust?

Most reviews praise increased focus, stable mood and calm energy levels without quick crashes or jitteriness. The super simple blend of ingredients like cordyceps and rhodiola rosea aim to unlock potential in a very natural way.

Can Rainbow Dust be consumed hot or cold?

Yes, the versatile premium dust blends smoothly into various routines. Many enjoy the strong adaptogenic and mushroom powders in coffee, tea, hot chocolate or smoothies throughout the day as a dust alternative to coffee or as a supplement stacking with other supplements.

How does Rainbow Dust compare to quitting coffee?

While coffee extract provides a natural caffeine source, the effective formula avoids potential roadblocks like crashes, dependency or acidity issues some have when trying to quit coffee. 

The results for focus and well-being are very powerful but gentle. Rainbow Dust has helped thousands transition away from coffee annually.

How is Rainbow Dust formulated and produced?

The dust is crafted in-house at Spacegoods’ own GMP and ISO9001 accredited lab in England. 

Here they ensure premium quality control of ingredients, strict production processes and testing – knowing that people trust them with their wellness. Customer safety remains the top priority.

Are the ingredients in Rainbow Dust generally safe?

Yes, each ingredient is naturally-sourced and selected through thorough research of its long history of traditional medicinal use and lack of known toxicity or side effects when used as recommended. 

The formulation sticks to 8g daily servings of super simple, clean ingredients. People of all ages can feel confident knowing that people prefer this dust is a genuinely healthy way to fuel their ‘for brain and body each day without negative side effects typically.

What does lions mane mushroom do in the body?

Also called the ‘brain mushroom’, lions mane has long been studied for its ability to positively impact cognition, focus and memory formation. 

In Rainbow Dust, it combines with other energizing and mood-supporting mushrooms like cordyceps, plus adaptogenic herb extracts to uplift mood and mental fogginess many experience when tired and unable to concentrate as well due to stress and other lifestyle factors impacting brain health.

Is Rainbow Dust suitable as coffee alternative?

For many, yes! Reviews show Rainbow Dust is a very successful 39 people who want the benefits of coffee without potential side effects like acidity, dependence or crashes. 

It provides natural caffeine from coffee berry extract combined with mushroom powders shown in studies to improve aspects of cognition beyond regular coffee alone as well as reduce stress and boost energy levels more sustainably throughout the day. 

The subtle yet profound effects have helped convert over 125,000 coffee drinkers so far worldwide to the premium Dust alternative.

How do the active ingredients work together?

Each ingredient in Rainbow Dust works in synergy to provide a more comprehensive effect than any one alone. 

The potent blend of lions mane mushroom, cordyceps, rhodiola and adaptogens like ashwagandha interact to support clear thinking, focus, mood and calm energy levels in a very balanced way. 

Together they form a simple routine many follow to unlock their full potential each day without restricting their lifestyle in any way. 

The 45,000 five star reviews clearly show how well this natural approach works when given proper time and consistency to take effect in the body over weeks and months.


After years of seeking complementary wellness choices and routines, I’ve come to truly appreciate Rainbow Dust and brands like Spacegoods dedicated to crafting potent yet natural blends in honest, sustainable ways. 

My body often felt out of sorts when tired, struggling to focus or handle daily demands. I’ve seen real impacts for the better sticking with the daily effects Dust provides, from improved memory and motivation to reduced aches after hard work.

While any formula takes some adjustment period, I’m so glad I gave this simple premium Dust a risk-free chance before making quick decisions dismissing it without seeing for myself how dust supports much-needed changes unlocking hidden wells of creativity and productivity. 

I hope readers now better understand which vegan Rainbow Dust options align nicely as part of more active, balanced daily schedules. 

Please feel encouraged sharing your own experiences below, as your insights could greatly inspire and inform others facing similar roadblocks stopping fuller well-being each day.



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